Vestry Minutes June 28, 2020

June 28, 2020
Present:  Bob Bess, Keen Haynes, Bob Garrity, D.J. Mitchell, Kristy Pemberton, the Very Rev. Ron Pogue (Interim Rector), Linda Seeber, Christopher Mullaney., Ben Taylor, Christopher DeClerk, Becky Snell
Absent:  Julie Sutton
This special meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Field Episcopal Church was held Sunday, June 28, 2020, virtually via zoom meeting.  The meeting was opened with prayer by the Very Rev. Ron Pogue at 12:30 p.m.
Also Present:  Ayo Omoniyi, Gary Wilkinson and Sue Mitchell.
Consideration of Vestry Minutes from previous meetings:
Minutes from the May 17, 2020 meeting were approved as distributed.
Finance Committee Report and School update:
Gary Wilkinson brought us up to speed on the School Board Meeting held June 23, 2020.and the work done on last years budget.  At the time of the meeting there could be 30 possible students, could be the maximum of 54 but they have no way of knowing how many will return.
With the increased time to clean and sterilize the school during COVID-19, being able to keep the kids segregated from one another and assuring they do not intermingle is a big challenge
If 54 students do not enroll for the fall session our school and church will sustain major losses.  After much prayer and consideration over the health and welfare of the children, Serin Stanford and Gary Wilkinson want to present to the Vestry a vote to permanently close the school.
Haynes said it does send mixed messages that we are trying to start school but will not re-open church.
The vote to close the school was nominated by the School Board, Mullaney seconded and all approved.
The vestry extends its thanks for all the hard work they put in, we know this decision was tough.
Treasurer’s Report
All were given copies of the budget and treasures report.  Everything is going according to budget and pledges are continuing.  DJ suggested we send a letter out to the congregation keeping everyone up to date on where we are during the shutdown.
Mitchell reminded us that the audit deadline is by the end of July and is due to the dioceses by September.
Treasurer’s Report Approved
Mitchell moved for the vestry to accept the July through December budget, Mullaney seconded, all approved.
A resolution was presented by Father Ron for Paula Jefferson to become our new curate as approved buy the Bishop.  Bess seconded, all approved.
Rector Search Committee Report
Sue Mitchell provided the update on the search committee.  They met on June 21st.  The deadline for the church wide survey is June 30th.  It will take them two weeks to analyze the data and the results will be delivered online.
The profile is on hold waiting on the survey results.  The committed has a goal for the profile to be ready for a first view on August 31st.
The committee will undergo STAAR training to help with the interviewing process.
The vestry sends its thanks for all of the hard work the search committee has put in on this.   The pandemic makes planning very difficult and you all have our prayers.
Junior Warden update:
The roof is leaking in the office area.  It really needed attention a few years ago and is about 15-20 years old.  The ceiling tiles are starting to show damage They will get an inspection and let us know what it takes to fix it.
The cleanliness of the church is starting to decline, Father Ron will have a discussion with Anika and have her start supervising the work as it is being done.  It was brought to the vestrys attention that we need to look into a new agreement with the vendor.
The outer door is still having issues with swelling when it rains.
The holy mowers are doing a fantastic job on the grounds and we thank you for all the hard work and care that goes into this ministry.
The labyrinth needs to be resurfaced, the expected cost will be around $500-600 and only needs to be done every 3 years.
The Eagle scouts would like to do a project of raised beds to grow food for the needy,  We all agree this would be a great project during the pandemic.  The Scouts will present the idea to the outreach committee then present the plan to the vestry for approval.
The resurfacing project was motioned by Bess for approved, Bess for approval and seconded by Mullaney, all approved.
Senior Warden update:
Nothing new to report by Haynes.
Interim Rector’s Report
The Very Rev. Pogue provided an update on the legal proceedings within the Episcopal church.
***needs edit by you, my notes are not good here****  Corey Cabes ordination.   Ben Taylor motioned to accept, seconded by Mullaney.
Father Ron explained the breakdown in communication over Paula Jefferson deacon position, she is truly ours and for that we are thankful.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer:
The Meeting was adjourned with prayer by The Vey Rev. Pogue at 3:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristy Pemberton