Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025

Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church Annual Meeting January 26, 2025

The Annual Meeting of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held January 26, 2025, in the church room at 9:30 AM. Prior to the meeting the Rector reminded those present that during the weeks leading up to the meeting, forums were held on the matters to be covered in the meeting giving parishioners the opportunity to ask any questions they might have. The booklet for the meeting has been available on the website and a printed copy of it is available at the end of each pew for those who want to use it. He advised all members to read the reports from the many ministries of St. Martin’s.

A quorum (10% of the average Sunday attendance during 2024) being present the meeting opened at 9:32 AM with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup, Rector, who chaired the meeting.

Appointment of a Clerk

The Rector appointed Glenda Morehead clerk for the meeting.

Introduction of Current Vestry Members

Current Vestry members present were introduced and acknowledged by a round of applause by the parish members present.  Those whose terms end today are Bob Bess, Eloise Frye, DJ Mitchell, and Rick Schutz. Those going off the Vestry were presented with “St. Augustine’s Prayerbook” by the Rector. Those who have previously received the Prayerbook will receive other tokens of service. Eloise Frye was not present for the meeting and he will give her her Prayerbook at another time. 

Senior Warden Thanked

Bentrup thanked Mary Beth Butler for accepting his appointment of her as Senior Warden the past year. He remarked that she was always available to sign whatever contracts needed signing. He was very aware of her friendship and support. 

2025 Vestry Election

The Nominating Committee chose a slate of nominees who meet all the requirements for service as vestry members. The nominees were the following: Tina Morehead, Jeanne Neill, Thomas Schloer, and John Wieden.  Dick Seeber moved the new vestry members be elected by acclamation, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. The new members were acknowledged by a round of applause. 

2025 Delegate Election

As a congregation in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT) St. Martin’s is entitled to 4 delegates to the Diocesan Council. Those who are elected today will serve at the Council gathering in February 2026, 13 months after their election. The nominees were Christine Gehringer, Keen Haynes, Suzanne Lincoln, and Ed McGlaston. Rick Schutz moved the diocesan delegates be elected by acclamation. Mary Anderson seconded the motion and the motion carried. The Rector will appoint alternate delegates at a later date if necessary.

Financial Reports

The financial position of St. Martin’s at the end of 2024 was very unusual. Once all receipts are recorded and bills paid there will be a surplus on hand of approximately $71,500.00. At the recommendation of the Finance Committee the Vestry voted to set up a number of temporarily restricted funds designating the specific uses for the surplus. Among the uses are the following:

$9,300.00 for Website Construction to make it more user friendly.

$10,000.00 for Emergency Relief efforts a portion or all of which will go to the Episcopal Church of Greater Los Angeles to assist in fire destruction relief.

$25,000.00 increase in the fund available for replacement of outdated AC units. 

For 2025 all staff receive a cost of living increase of 2.5%.

Deacon Ayo Omoniyi will have a Discretionary Fund to use in his ministries.

Master Plan and Renovation Update

On behalf of the people of St. Martin’s the Rector thanked DJ Mitchell who is spearheading the master plan for renovation of the education building. Mitchell, his committee and the Jr. Wardens have been working to keep the cost of the changes as low as possible in hopes the work can all be done at a cost no higher than the funds currently set aside for the project. Meeting with contractors, architects and other experts in the various fields takes time and requires patience from the congregation anxious to see the work begin. Current expectations are that changes may be apparent by late March.

Rector’s Remarks

The Rector’s complete report is included in the Annual Parish Report for 2024. He thanked every individual who contributes to St. Martin’s in any way – financially, by volunteering, or with prayers. St. Martin’s has been known as a welcoming church since its beginning. Over 20 years ago Flo Lowrey brought home from a conference the concept of Radical Hospitality – being intentional about welcoming everyone, no matter who. Statistics show the average Sunday attendance among Episcopal churches to be 38 persons. St. Martin’s ASA in 2024 was 154 in services and 48 online, placing us in the top 8% of Episcopal churches. St. Martin’s also continues to increase rather than decrease in membership, having an increase of 11 in 2024 – during a time when churches of all denominations are losing members. The Rector introduced the Mission Vision Values program which has been approved by the vestry. He said that the rebranding will take into the future St. Martin’s practice of welcoming everyone, no matter who. “Jesus Loves Y’All.” 

Ordination of the Rev Tony Kroll

The Rector announced that after the 10:30 service today he will be heading to Spring, TX to serve as one of the presenters for Tony Kroll at his ordination to the priesthood. Kroll served as seminarian at St. Martin’s. Bentrup reminded parishioners that in EDOT lay attendees at ordinations are limited to family members only.

Commissioning of Vestry

The Rector will commission the Vestry members for the coming year at a 10:30 service later. 


Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup

Respectively submitted,

Glenda Morehead, Clerk

Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025

Vestry Minutes – 1/26/2025

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting January 26, 2025

Vestry Reports & Financial Updates

Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Bob Garrity, Rebecca Haynes, Bryan Hedrick, Elizabeth Jordan, Tina Morehead, Jeanne Neill, Thomas Schloer, John Wieden, DJ Mitchell, Glenda Morehead.

A called meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday, January 26

2025, in the church room immediately following the 2024 Annual Parish Meeting. The meeting was called for the purpose of electing church officers for 2025 and making announcements.

The meeting opened with prayer at 10:10 AM by the Rector who chaired the meeting.

Clerk Elected

Dick Seeber moved Glenda Morehead be elected Clerk for the coming year. Thomas Schloer seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Senior Warden Announced

The Rector announced he has asked Mary Beth Butler to serve as Senior Warden for a second year and she has accepted the position.

Junior Warden Elected

John Wieden moved Dick Seeber be elected Junior Warden for the coming year. Carlie Briggs seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Treasurer Elected and Finance Committee Chair Announced

John Wieden moved DJ Mitchell be elected Treasurer for the coming year. Thomas Schloer seconded the motion and the motion carried. The Rector announced Gary Wilkinson will continue as Finance Committee Chair.

Rector’s Announcements

Vestry Meeting Schedule: Bentrup reminded vestry members that regular vestry meetings usually occur at 12 PM on Sunday. The 2025 schedule for regular meetings of the vestry is as follows:

February 23                                        June 23 Monday 7 PM via Zoom       October 19

March 23                                             July no meeting                                   November 23

April 21 Monday 7 PM via Zoom        August 24                                            December 21

May 18                                                September 21                                     January 18, 2026

Vestry Packets: Every month the Rector sends out a pdf packet which includes the following: the agenda for the meeting, minutes of previous meetings for approval, information from the Finance Committee including the Treasurer’s Report which must be accepted and recommendations from the Committee awaiting decision by the vestry, Wardens’ reports, Rector’s report which includes worship statistics etc. Often other documents relating to matters before the vestry are included. Members are encouraged to review the materials in the packet to prepare themselves for the work at the meeting. Meetings seldom go beyond an hour. 

Bob Garrity moved the meeting be adjourned, Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried. The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup at 10:20 AM

Respectfully submitted,

Glenda Morehead


Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025

Vestry Minutes – 1/19/2025

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting January 19, 2025

Vestry Reports & Financial Updates

Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden, Rick Schulz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Eloise Frye, Bob Garrity, Rebecca Haynes, Bryan Hedrick, Elizabeth Jordan via Zoom, Glenda Morehead – Clerk, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair.

Also Present:  Linda Seeber.

A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday January 19, 2025 in the West Parish Hall.

The meeting opened at 12: PM with prayer by the Rector who chaired the meeting.

Consideration of the Minutes

DJ Mitchell moved the minutes of the December 22, 2024 vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried. 

Financial Matters

Finance Committee Report: Gary Wilkinson reported that for the first time since he came to St. Martin’s the church did not end the year with a deficit but with a surplus on hand of $71,429.00

Use of Surplus Recommendations: The committee recommends the Financial Manager be directed to create temporarily restricted funds as follows:

$9,300.00 for Website Reconstruction.

$2,300.00 for upgrade of the playground.

$10,000.00 for Emergency relief efforts and request the Rector donate immediately some or all of these funds to the most pressing needs of the day (e.g., to the Episcopal Church of Greater Los Angeles to assist in fire destruction relief).

$25,000.00 to increase the temporarily restricted building fund to increase the amount available for AC replacements that remain (i.e., the Sanctuary’s AC Units).

$20,000.00 to the Emergency Fund with two instructions:

            To the Financial Manager: Monies sent to Baird from the Emergency Fund (i.e., $30,000.00)

should be put in a separate Baird account but remain with Baird for the purpose of earning higher amounts of interest to distinguish them from the unrestricted funds sent to Baird for the same reason, to earn higher amounts of interest.

To the Jr. Warden: Repairs which are made in 2025 to the church’s plumbing, HVAC, and sprinkler systems and which individually cost more than $1,000.00 and have a useful life of over 1 year will first be funded from $10,000.00 of the $20,000.00 referenced under this point. Only after this $10,000.00 is exhausted will monies identified in the 2025 operating budget be tapped to pay for subsequent repairs costing individually more than $1,000.00 and with a useful life of more than 1 year.

Bob Bess moved the vestry vote to approve all the uses of the surplus as recommended by the Finance Committee. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Endowment Committee Report: Bryan Hedrick, chair of the Endowment Committee, has passed to Michael Yackira the development of a Planned Giving outline for St. Martin’s. Yackira brought to the vestry the draft he has prepared thus far. When the complete plan is approved by the committee it will be brought to the vestry for adoption. It will be shared with the congregation after vestry approval.

Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Dick Seeber moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Rick Schulz seconded the motion and the report was accepted.

Budget 2025 Approved:  Mary Beth Butler moved the budget for 2025 be approved as presented. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the budget was approved.

Junior Wardens’ Reports

The reports prepared by the Jr. Wardens are attached to and made a part of these minutes. The Jr. Wardens received a hearty round of applause for all their work during the past year.

Senior Warden’s Report

The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Curate Information

Curate Possible in 2026: The Rector reported that the earliest St. Martin’s might have a new curate would be July of 2026. St. Martin’s is known as a church where curates thrive.

EDOT 2025 Payment Received: A payment of $3,368.75 was received from EDOT – the diocesan portion of the Curate Covenant Agreement with St. Martin’s in 2025 for the Rev Gavin Tomlin. The Rector, wardens, treasurer and vestry members signed the acknowledging receipt which was then returned to EDOT.

Rector’s Report

The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Vestry Meeting Schedule: The following are the dates of 2025 regular vestry meetings:

January 19

February 23

March 23

April 21 Monday via Zoom 7 PM

May 18

June 23 Monday via Zoom 7 PM

July – no meeting

August 24

September 21

October 19

November 23

December 21

January 19, 2026

Master Plan Update

DJ Mitchell reported that he is still working with experts in the various fields to reduce the costs of the education building reconstruction and renovation. He hopes to be prepared to request a vestry vote at the February 23, 2025 meeting.

Remarks by Eloise Frye

Eloise Frye expressed her pleasure at having served the past year on the vestry of St. Martin’s. She is more knowledgeable about all the work that is done by a wide variety of people in such a dynamic church as St. Martin’s. She plans to happily leave vestry work to others and to serve St. Martin’s in other ways. 

DJ Mitchell moved the meeting be adjourned, Rick Schulz seconded the motion and the motion carried.

The meeting closed with prayer by the Rector at 1 PM. 

Respectfully submitted,

Glenda Morehead, Clerk





Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025

Vestry Minutes – 12/22/2024

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting December 22, 2024

Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden via Zoom, Rick Schulz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Bob Garrity, Rebecca Haynes, Bryan Hedrick, Glenda Morehead – Clerk, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair.

Also Present:  Linda Seeber.

Not Present:  The Rev. Gavin Tomlin, – Curate, Eloise Frye, Elizabeth Jordan.

A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday December 22, 2024 in the West Parish Hall. 

By general consent the meeting opened at 11:50 AM with prayer by the Rector who chaired the meeting.

Consideration of the Minutes

DJ Mitchell moved the minutes of the November 24, 2024, vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Bob Bess seconded the motion and the motion carried. 

Finance Committee Report and Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report

Establishment of a New Temporarily Restricted Fund: Gary Wilkinson reported that the committee recommends the establishment of an Insurance Claims Proceeds and Expenditures Temporarily Restricted Fund to hold the funds received for recent damages to property and from which the funds would be disbursed. This would avoid the funds going into the General Fund and being used for general purposes. DJ Mitchell moved the establishment of the fund as described. Bob Bess seconded and the motion carried.

Investment Policy to Be Written: Bryan Hedrick, chair of the Endowment Committee, announced that the committee will be writing an Investment Policy Statement which will be brought to the vestry for approval.  Other committee members are DJ Mitchell, Michael Yackira and the Rector.

Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Dick Seeber moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Rick Schutz seconded the motion and the report was accepted.

COLA Approved for All Staff: The final vote on the budget for 2025 will not occur until the January 19 2025 vestry meeting. Rick Schutz moved that today the vestry approve a 2.50% cost of living increase in their wages for 2025. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. 

Clergy Housing Allowances Adopted

DJ Mitchell moved the vestry adopt the following resolutions regarding clergy housing allowances:

Resolved that the sum of $42,000.00 to be paid to the Reverend Alan D. Bentrup as a minister of the gospel at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller, Texas, January 1 – December 31, 2025, out of his compensation for that period, be designated as a housing allowance excludable from gross income to the extent permitted by Section 107, Internal Revenue code and Income Tax Regulation thereunder.


Resolved that the sum of $2,500.00 to be paid to the Reverend Gavin Tomlin as a minister of the gospel at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller, Texas, January 1 – December 31, 2025, out of his compensation for that period, be designated as a housing allowance excludable from gross income to the extent permitted by Section 107, Internal Revenue code and Income Tax Regulation thereunder. 

Bob Bess seconded the motion and the resolutions were adopted.

Junior Wardens’ Reports

The reports prepared by the Jr. Wardens are attached to and made a part of these minutes. The Jr. Wardens received a hearty round of applause for all their work this year. Schutz has met with HVAC and roofing contractors and received verbal bids only. He will inform them he must have firm bids in writing before January 19, 2025.

Senior Warden’s Report

The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes

Curate Report

The Rector reminded vestry members that January 5, 2025 the day on which we celebrate the Epiphany will be the Rev Gavin Tomlin’s last Sunday at St. Martin’s. A reception following the service will give everyone a chance to say farewell to Tomlin as he moves on to serve as Associate Rector at St Paul’s, Waco. His first Sunday at St. Paul’s will be February 2. 

Rector’s Report

The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Vestry Meeting Schedule: The following are the dates of 2025 regular vestry meetings:

January 19

February 23

March 23

April 21 Monday via Zoom 7 PM

May 18

June 23 Monday via Zoom 7 PM

July – no meeting

August 24

September 21

October 19

November 23

December 21

January 19, 2026

Mission, Vision, Values Update: The implementation of the plan that was approved by the Vestry at the November meeting will require intense work. Michael Yackira has volunteered to assist the Rector to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Children’s Choir to Perform Monthly: The children’s choir will perform as a part of the 10:30 service every month. Both they and Mr. Bob enjoyed their preparation for and participation in Christmas and Epiphany services.

Master Plan Update

DJ Mitchell reported that he anticipates as many as three bids for work related to the office modifications to the small parish hall. He will have more complete information at the January 19 vestry meeting.

Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried.

The meeting closed with prayer by the Rector at 12:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glenda Morehead, Clerk

Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025

Vestry Minutes – 11/24/2024

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting November 24, 2024

For a pdf of financials, please click here

Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden, Rick Schulz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Eloise Frye, Bob Garrity, Bryan Hedrick, Elizabeth Jordan, Glenda Morehead – Clerk, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair.

Also Present: Kameron Abram– Eagle Scout candidate, Liza Goodner, Linda Seeber.

Not Present: Rebecca Haynes. 

A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday November 24, 2024 at 12 PM in the West Parish Hall. 

The meeting opened with prayer at 12:00 PM by the Rector who chaired the meeting. 

Eagle Scout Project Presentation – Kameron Abram

Abram’s Eagle Scout Project involves repair, renovation and improvement of the shed that houses the gardening equipment used to maintain St. Martin’s property. He plans to complete the project in April. He understands his work must meet Jr. Warden’s requirements. DJ Mitchell moved the project be approved as presented, Dick Seeber seconded the motion, and the motion carried. As the time for his work comes nearer, Abran will be invited by the Rector to speak during church services.

Consideration of the Minutes

Mary Beth Butler moved the minutes of the October 20, 2024, vestry meeting be approved as distributed. DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. 

Finance Committee Report and Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report

Notes from the Committee Meeting: Gary Wilkinson reported that St. Martin’s cash position remains as was expected previously.

Budgeting Changes: DJ Mitchell reported that changes in the Curate position, the addition of the 4 Saints Food Pantry pledge, website reconstruction, additional youth program support and compensation for the Financial Manager and Chuck Ambrose will all be factored into the 2025 budget. Pledges continue to come in and the budget will be finalized at the January 19, 2025, Vestry meeting.

Treasurer’s Report Accepted: Rick Schutz moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Mary Beth Butler seconded the motion and the report was accepted.

Update on Stewardship Activities: The Rector stated that he sends a personal thank-you note to every pledger.  Vestry members are asked to participate in thanking pledgers. The note cards are provided in preaddressed stamped envelopes. Any vestry member who is not comfortable in helping thank pledgers is not required to participate.

Junior Wardens’ Reports

The reports prepared by the Jr. Wardens are attached to and made a part of these minutes. Rick Schutz reported that the leak referenced in his report has been fixed. The Jr. Wardens received a hearty round of applause for all their work this year. 

Senior Warden’s Report

The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes

Curate’s Report

Gavin Tomlin remarked that he has mixed emotions at leaving St. Martin’s for his new position.

Rector’s Report

The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Mission, Vision, Values Approved: The proposed changes were provided in the vestry packet sent out by the Rector. DJ Mitchell moved the Vestry approve going forward with the plans as presented. Mary Beth Butler seconded the motion and the motion carried. The changes will be presented to the parish during January and February Rector’s Forums. 

Bylaws Committee Report

The report of the Bylaws Committee is attached to and made a part of these minutes. When the revised bylaws have been approved by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, the resulting document will be presented to the vestry for adoption. 

Master Plan Update

DJ Mitchell reported that he anticipates as many as three bids for work related to the office modifications to the small parish hall. Final design drawings will be complete after the holidays, sometime in January. 

It appears that pursuing a different type of contact has set the stage for a project within our budget limits. Actual bids will confirm this expectation or they will require us to modify our thinking.

Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried.

The meeting closed with prayer by the Rector at 12:55 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Glenda Morehead, Clerk

Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025

Vestry Minutes – 10/20/2024

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Vestry Meeting October 20, 2024

For a pdf of financials, please click here

Present: Alan Bentrup – Rector, Mary Beth Butler – Senior Warden, Rick Schulz – Jr. Warden, Dick Seeber – Jr. Warden, DJ Mitchell – Treasurer, Bob Bess, Carlie Briggs, Shawn Casey, Eloise Frye, Bob Garrity, Rebecca Haynes, Elizabeth Jordan, Tina Morehead – Clerk pro tem, Gary Wilkinson – Finance Committee Chair. 

Also Present:  Linda Seeber, Sue Mitchell

Not Present: Gavin Tomlin – Curate, Bryan Hedrick, Glenda Morehead – Clerk 

A regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held Sunday October 20, 2024 at 12 PM in the West Parish Hall. 

The meeting opened with prayer at 12:00 PM by the Rector who chaired the meeting.

Consideration of the Minutes

DJ Mitchell moved the minutes of September 15, 2024, vestry meeting be approved as distributed. Dick Seeber seconded the motion and the motion carried. 

Finance Committee Report and Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report

Notes from the Committee Meeting:  St Martin’s cash position remains as was expected previously, including expenses paid out with regards to replacement of roof on the Education Building.  The reimbursement from the insurance company is falling over a 2 month period as reflected on the reports.  Though statements show a slight loss that will be resolved on November financial report.  To date, insurance has paid $144,000 and of that $94,000 has been spent.  The Finance Committee see no issues coming up through year end that would cause problems with cash flow and are very comfortable with current standings.

Budget Discussions:  Budget discussions were started at the October meeting of the Finance committee.  They will have a better idea of where to begin with those talks after the next update on 2025 pledges.  Finance Committee should have preliminary numbers on 2025 budget to the Vestry for the November meeting.

New line item on budget for 2025, 4Saints – 4Saints has asked the 4 founding churches to make annual pledges to the food pantry beginning in 2025. This will assist them in budgeting and planning.  Per the Rector, 4Saints will be told that St Marin will give $6,000 for 2025 to be paid quarterly after each Red Envelope month.  4Saints will be given the amount raised with the Red Envelopes drive, which has been roughly $6000 the last 2 years.  Dick Seeber moved that this be done,  Carlie Briggs seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report Accepted:  Bob Bess moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Mary Beth Butler seconded the motion and the report was accepted.

Update on Stewardship Committee and 2025 pledges thus far:  Bennett Cepack chaired the committee this year. Update was given on 2025 pledges received thus far.  Formal ingathering will be November 10th at the celebration of St. Martin’s feast day with the knowledge that pledges will continue to be made through year end.    

Junior Wardens’ Reports

The report prepared by Rick Schulz is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

On Saturday 10/19/24, a large leak was discovered in the soccer field by Fever United coach Constance.  She talked to Posey Plumbing, which has moved in next door on Pearson.  Posey quoted less than 1/3 of the quote received from our usual plumber.  Dick Seeber gave the job to Posey Plumbing and paid for it on his parish credit card as it was below his $1500 limit.  Work was completed in time for services to be held today.

Education Building Roof Replacement completed:  Roof has been replaced and all work completed.  The roofer is working through negotiating remainder of cost with insurance.  This includes replacing the 4 HVAC units for the building (youngest of which was installed in 2001)  St. Martin’s will have those replaced under insurance work if possible.

Repair of Baptismal Font:  Rick Shulz has resealed and refinished the Baptismal Font, which had warped and was leaking.   

Senior Warden’s Report

The written report of Senior Warden Mary Beth Butler is attached to and made a part of these minutes 

Rector’s Report

The Rector’s written report is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Mission, Vision, Values update:  Preliminary work on updated logo, mission and vision statements was distributed to the Vestry in the October packet.  This will be reviewed by the Vestry in the November meeting and presented to the parish during January and February Rector’s Forums. 

Master Plan Update:  DJ Mitchell reported on his latest meeting with the architect, during which he was given contact information for a different company that specializes in Interior Finishing. Our project should fall more under Interior Finishing since we are no longer looking at moving walls, etc.  Mitchell feels this will give us a good read on if the project should really cost $900,000 as previously quoted. He has asked for new drawings from the architect to show new ceiling tiles with integrated sprinkler system so those can go to the City of Southlake for approval.   He did get an estimate of $200,000 for demountable walls as discussed in September vestry meeting.  He will arrange a trip to the Steelcase showroom in Dallas for any vestry members wanting to go see the proposed solution. 

The November and December Vestry Meetings are being moved to the 4th Sunday this year, so that Finance Committee will have met before the Vestry meets.   

The meeting was closed in prayer by the Rector at 1:21 P.M.

Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded and the motion passed. 

Respectfully submitted, Tina Morehead

Clerk Pro Tem