Vestry Minutes – Annual Meeting 2025
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church Annual Meeting January 26, 2025
The Annual Meeting of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church was held January 26, 2025, in the church room at 9:30 AM. Prior to the meeting the Rector reminded those present that during the weeks leading up to the meeting, forums were held on the matters to be covered in the meeting giving parishioners the opportunity to ask any questions they might have. The booklet for the meeting has been available on the website and a printed copy of it is available at the end of each pew for those who want to use it. He advised all members to read the reports from the many ministries of St. Martin’s.
A quorum (10% of the average Sunday attendance during 2024) being present the meeting opened at 9:32 AM with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup, Rector, who chaired the meeting.
Appointment of a Clerk
The Rector appointed Glenda Morehead clerk for the meeting.
Introduction of Current Vestry Members
Current Vestry members present were introduced and acknowledged by a round of applause by the parish members present. Those whose terms end today are Bob Bess, Eloise Frye, DJ Mitchell, and Rick Schutz. Those going off the Vestry were presented with “St. Augustine’s Prayerbook” by the Rector. Those who have previously received the Prayerbook will receive other tokens of service. Eloise Frye was not present for the meeting and he will give her her Prayerbook at another time.
Senior Warden Thanked
Bentrup thanked Mary Beth Butler for accepting his appointment of her as Senior Warden the past year. He remarked that she was always available to sign whatever contracts needed signing. He was very aware of her friendship and support.
2025 Vestry Election
The Nominating Committee chose a slate of nominees who meet all the requirements for service as vestry members. The nominees were the following: Tina Morehead, Jeanne Neill, Thomas Schloer, and John Wieden. Dick Seeber moved the new vestry members be elected by acclamation, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. The new members were acknowledged by a round of applause.
2025 Delegate Election
As a congregation in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT) St. Martin’s is entitled to 4 delegates to the Diocesan Council. Those who are elected today will serve at the Council gathering in February 2026, 13 months after their election. The nominees were Christine Gehringer, Keen Haynes, Suzanne Lincoln, and Ed McGlaston. Rick Schutz moved the diocesan delegates be elected by acclamation. Mary Anderson seconded the motion and the motion carried. The Rector will appoint alternate delegates at a later date if necessary.
Financial Reports
The financial position of St. Martin’s at the end of 2024 was very unusual. Once all receipts are recorded and bills paid there will be a surplus on hand of approximately $71,500.00. At the recommendation of the Finance Committee the Vestry voted to set up a number of temporarily restricted funds designating the specific uses for the surplus. Among the uses are the following:
$9,300.00 for Website Construction to make it more user friendly.
$10,000.00 for Emergency Relief efforts a portion or all of which will go to the Episcopal Church of Greater Los Angeles to assist in fire destruction relief.
$25,000.00 increase in the fund available for replacement of outdated AC units.
For 2025 all staff receive a cost of living increase of 2.5%.
Deacon Ayo Omoniyi will have a Discretionary Fund to use in his ministries.
Master Plan and Renovation Update
On behalf of the people of St. Martin’s the Rector thanked DJ Mitchell who is spearheading the master plan for renovation of the education building. Mitchell, his committee and the Jr. Wardens have been working to keep the cost of the changes as low as possible in hopes the work can all be done at a cost no higher than the funds currently set aside for the project. Meeting with contractors, architects and other experts in the various fields takes time and requires patience from the congregation anxious to see the work begin. Current expectations are that changes may be apparent by late March.
Rector’s Remarks
The Rector’s complete report is included in the Annual Parish Report for 2024. He thanked every individual who contributes to St. Martin’s in any way – financially, by volunteering, or with prayers. St. Martin’s has been known as a welcoming church since its beginning. Over 20 years ago Flo Lowrey brought home from a conference the concept of Radical Hospitality – being intentional about welcoming everyone, no matter who. Statistics show the average Sunday attendance among Episcopal churches to be 38 persons. St. Martin’s ASA in 2024 was 154 in services and 48 online, placing us in the top 8% of Episcopal churches. St. Martin’s also continues to increase rather than decrease in membership, having an increase of 11 in 2024 – during a time when churches of all denominations are losing members. The Rector introduced the Mission Vision Values program which has been approved by the vestry. He said that the rebranding will take into the future St. Martin’s practice of welcoming everyone, no matter who. “Jesus Loves Y’All.”
Ordination of the Rev Tony Kroll
The Rector announced that after the 10:30 service today he will be heading to Spring, TX to serve as one of the presenters for Tony Kroll at his ordination to the priesthood. Kroll served as seminarian at St. Martin’s. Bentrup reminded parishioners that in EDOT lay attendees at ordinations are limited to family members only.
Commissioning of Vestry
The Rector will commission the Vestry members for the coming year at a 10:30 service later.
Bob Bess moved the meeting be adjourned, DJ Mitchell seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM with prayer by the Rev. Alan Bentrup
Respectively submitted,
Glenda Morehead, Clerk