Lenten Activities and Events 2025

Lenten Activities and Events 2025

An Invitation to a Holy Lent
Each year we are invited to enter into Lent by, among other things, “reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.”
There are many ways we’re going to do that this year:

Adult Formation

“What happens when you die?” Each week during Lent we’ll talk about how we can prepare for death, and life after death. From “where is heaven,” to planning our funerals, to “how can I support the church financially when I’m gone,” we’re going to look at the many ways life is changed (but not ended!) when we die.

Youth Formation

Our youth will explore the meaning of Lent using the “Wilderness” lessons from the StoryMakers curriculum. Children will discover how God is always faithful, even when life is hard! Workbooks will be provided on Sundays in Children’s Chapel, and during youth meetings.  

Youth will also receive activity calendars from Forward Movement, United Thank Offering, and coloring pages from Illustrated Ministry. 

In addition to these activities, youth ages 11 and up will lead Stations of the Cross on April 6, after the 10:30 Worship Service. Afterwards, youth are encouraged to attend the showing of the documentary “Traces of the Trade” at 12:30-3:30 on Sunday, April 6, at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church.

A God Who’s Near Lenten Devotional

This Lenten season, journey with us as we read through Alan Bentrup’s collection of poetry, “A God Who’s Near.” This devotional experience is designed to draw you closer to Jesus each day. Every day unfolds with the daily collect and lectionary readings, a sonnet that tries to capture the beauty of God’s nearness, and a reflective question to invite deeper introspection and renewal. May these meditations open your heart to grace, inspire your walk of faith, and remind you of the ever-present love that surrounds us all. You can read A God Who’s Near online here, follow us on Facebook, or pick up a printed copy at church.

United Thank Offering Daily Devotional

This Lent, UTO invites you to reflect on the ordinary things in your life and give thanks for them. Those looking for a simple reminder to practice gratitude can sign up to receive one text message each day throughout the Lent season. Sign up at unitedthankoffering.com/lent. Printed copies of the UTO calendars for youth and for adults are available at church as well.

Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditations

“Consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds…” as you journey through Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditations, written by Jerusalem Jackson Greer.

Stations of the Cross

Each Sunday in Lent at noon, you’re invited into the church to walk the ways of the cross. Get more details and other ways to participate here.

Lenten Choral Evensong on March 18

Join us at 7 pm on Tuesday, March 18, for a very special Lenten Choral Evensong with the Emerging Artists group from St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London. The group is touring through Texas, and wanted to join with a St. Martin’s on this side of the pond.

“St. Martin’s Voices is one of the UK’s finest and most versatile vocal ensembles. As the flagship professional choral ensemble of London’s iconic St. Martin-in-the-Fields, they sing for concerts, broadcasts and special services at St Martin’s and beyond.”

Lenten Service Day – March 22

On the fourth Saturday of each month, 4Saints & Friends Episcopal Food Pantry hosts a mobile distribution. As part of your Lenten observance, consider joining us as we serve our neighbors. 

You can come any time between 9:30 am and 1:00 pm. Join us at 2529 Mount View Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76103.

Traces of the Trade Documentary & Dialogue on April 6, 12:30-3:30 pm     PLEASE REGISTER

The Episcopal Health Foundation in partnership with St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, in Hurst invites you to view the film Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North and engage in dialogue facilitated by DeWolf descendant Dain Perry and wife Constance Perry.

Racial discrimination and systemic racism have profound effects on the health and well-being not only of minority populations, but of our broader communities. EHF is uniquely positioned alongside the Diocese of Texas to partner with congregations to build bridges of health and wholeness into communities. Recognizing our Gospel call to seek and serve Christ in all persons, together we will listen, advise, and work to build healthy communities.

Please register for this free event. Nursery will be available at St. Martin’s from 12-4:30.

Maundy Thursday Overnight Vigil

The overnight watch at the Altar of Repose begins at 8 pm on Thursday, April 17. Please sign up for a one hour time slot to keep watch in the chapel.

Lenten Outreach Project – We need you to be the lifeline for refugee families here in Texas.

On Friday, January 24th, an immediate stop work order issued by the federal government cut off critical funding for work with recently resettled refugees in the U.S. This means families who have been promised refuge and life-saving services in our neighborhoods and communities are now at risk of going hungry and homeless.

This Lent we are working with the Fort Worth office of World Relief, a refugee resettlement agency, to stand urgently in the gap.

Our donations will help provide basic assistance in the form of food, shelter, transportation, and other essential support services to these families living legally right here in our community.

Donate online here. Choose “Lenten Outreach” from the drop down menu.

Lent Madness

This is Lent on the lighter side. A saintly smackdown that you can participate in! Read more and enjoy!

Holy Week Worship Schedule – April 13 – 20, 2025

Palm Sunday: We will process from the Labyrinth outside. 8:30 & 10:30 am. Incense alert for the 10:30 service – please be aware that we will use incense indoors at the 10:30 service.

Maundy Thursday: 7 pm; Will also be livestreamed. Overnight Vigil begins at 8 pm. Please sign up for a one hour time slot to keep watch in the chapel.

Good Friday Stations of the Cross: 12 – 1 pm

Good Friday: 7 pm; Will also be livestreamed.

Holy Saturday: 12 pm in the chapel

Easter Vigil Sunday at Sunrise: 6 am on the outdoor chapel, with incense.

Easter Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 am

Coat Drive

Coat Drive

Now through the end of November we are collecting new and gently used coats, hats, scarves, gloves, etc. for the homeless served by Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.

Please drop off your coats on Sundays to the bin at the back of the church.

If you can’t drop off on Sundays, please call Anika Rinker in the church office at 817-431-2396 or email her at stmartin@stmartininthefields.org to arrange a time to drop off.

November 11 is the feast of our patron saint, St. Martin, who tore his cloak and gave half of it to a homeless man. We remember his compassion and we serve our brothers and sisters in Christ by donating coats for the cold winter months. 

Episcopal Youth Community

Episcopal Youth Community

St. Martin’s Youth, aka EYC (Episcopal Youth Community), is a collective group of 6th-12th graders who meet every first and third Sunday of the month after the 10:30 am service in the EYC room. At each meeting, we’ll explore the Word and learn how to serve our community!

We’ll read and talk about the first lesson, which is from the Old Testament, taken from the lectionary each week. These are the readings we hear in church.

On the 3rd Sundays, we give back to our community by assembling Blessing Bags – these are bags filled with helpful items for our congregation to take and give out to those in need we see on the streets. And we’ve also partnered with the JPS Street team to supply them with 25 bags each month to help their own homeless population near Rosedale Ave. in Fort Worth.

Our group is diverse, inclusive, and a safe place for all those who wish to join. For more information, contact our Youth Director: leah.robinson@stmartininthefields.org

Want to keep up with the latest youth news? Scan here to join our group chat!

Blessing Bag Ministry

Blessing Bag Ministry

Blessing Bags 3rd Sundays

On the third Sundays of each month we will be making Blessing Bags for the homeless.

This youth led ministry needs lots of hands to make it successful – so come on by the small parish hall after the 10:30 service and help us assemble the bags!

We’ll make 50 bags each month. Half of those will be taken to the JPS Street Medicine Team. The rest are for YOU – our wonderful members to take!

What are they?

Blessing bags are full of necessities such as non-perishable food, hygeine items, etc. The idea is to keep several in your car and hand them to those in need on the streets. The problem of homelessness persists in our city, and these bags are a way to show God’s love to our neighbor.

How can I help?

Each bag costs about $3.75. So this ongoing ministry needs your donations! You can visit our Amazon Wish List online and order items. Or you can purchase items wherever you shop and drop them off at church. You can also donate money through our online giving page. And you can come and help on 3rd Sundays!

Travel-size items needed are:

  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Comb
  • Hand Wipes
  • Granola Bars
  • Trail Mix
  • Hand Warmers
  • Bottled Water

Donate money online. Please choose “Blessing Bags” from the drop down menu. 

Offerings for Easter Flowers

Offerings for Easter Flowers

Would you like to make an offering for Easter Lilies? This is a wonderful way to make the church look festive for Easter Sunday and to make a dedication in thanksgiving or in memory of someone. A $10 donation is suggested. The deadline for receiving dedications in order to be printed in the Easter bulletin is 9 am on Wednesday, March 27.

Donations can be made a couple of ways:

  • When you are at church, you can fill out an “Offerings for Easter Flowers” form and enclose payment of cash or check (memo line: Easter flowers). White envelopes are with the donation forms in the back of the church to keep your dedication and payment together. Drop your envelope in the offering plate, place it in Anika Rinker’s office mailbox, or mail to: St. Martin-in-the-Fields, PO Box 1149, Keller, TX 76244
  • Fill out the online form below. You can pay online or choose the cash/check option and submit your payment that way. 

Offerings for Christmas flowers

Offerings for Christmas flowers

poinsettia-cc0-1197052336YcRm-600x400Would you like to make an offering for Christmas poinsettias? This is a wonderful way to make the church look festive for Christmas and to make a dedication in thanksgiving or in memory of someone. A $10 donation is suggested. The deadline for receiving these donations is Sunday, December 18.

Dedications will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletins.

Donations can be made a couple of ways:

  • When you are at church, you can fill out a red “Offerings for Christmas Flowers” form and enclose payment of cash or check (memo line: Christmas flowers). Envelopes are with the donation forms in the back of the church to keep your dedication and payment together. Drop your envelope in the offering plate, place it in Anika Rinker’s office mailbox, or mail to : St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 223 South Pearson Lane, Keller, TX 76248
  • Fill out the online form below. You can pay online or choose the cash/check option and submit your payment that way.